In 1980, a young man named Terry Fox set out on an extraordinary journey with a singular mission: to run across Canada and raise awareness and funds for cancer research. Despite having one leg amputated due to cancer, Terry’s spirit was unbreakable. He ran an average of 42 km a day, the distance of a marathon, showcasing immense courage and determination. Tragically, after covering an astounding 5,373 km from St. John’s, Newfoundland to Thunder Bay, Ontario, Terry’s cancer spread to his lungs, forcing him to end his run. He passed away in the summer of 1981, just shy of his 23rd birthday. However, his “Marathon of Hope” left an indelible mark on the hearts of people not only in Canada but around the world. Terry’s legacy teaches us about strength, perseverance, and the power of generosity.
For the 19th consecutive year, the students and staff at Town Centre Private Schools (TCPS) have embraced Terry’s dream of finding a cure for cancer by holding their annual Terry Fox Run. On the morning of Friday, September 20th, students from Pre-School to High School participated in this meaningful event, walking, jogging, or running in support of cancer research. At the Amarillo Campus, students ran in the playfield and gymnasium, while at the Main Campus, younger elementary students ran in the parking lot and grades 7 to 12 students ran at nearby Highgate Park. The event was a true community effort, with students, parents, and relatives contributing generously. This year, TCPS aims to raise $10,000 for the Terry Fox Foundation.
Terry Fox’s memory and legacy continue to thrive through the enthusiastic participation of students and the generous financial contributions from the community. This event not only fosters school spirit but also reinforces the importance of giving back and supporting a worthy cause. Since 2006, TCPS has raised an impressive total of $247,934.83 for the Terry Fox Foundation. The total for this year’s run is still being calculated. Click on the link below to visit our Terry Fox Fundraising pages for each division and make a donation today!
Pre-School & Grade 1 Donations
Grades 2 – 8 Donations
High School Donations