High School News

Journey to Success: The Graduating Class of 2024

  June 21st marked a special day on the TCPS High School calendar with the Grade 12 Graduation.  Wearing their caps and gowns for their final day at TCPS, students came to the stage to be presented with their Ontario … Continued

High School Awards Banquet 2024

  The annual High School Awards Banquet on June 3rd was a grand celebration held in our Main Gymnasium, adorned to resemble an elegant banquet hall. The event honored achievements across academics, athletics, and the arts, showcasing the diverse talents … Continued

High School Mud Cup 2024

  May 31st marked the annual TCPS High School Mud Cup which is the final House activity for the year. Students wore House athletic gear and running shoes for the whole day. We played kickball, a crazy fusion of softball … Continued

TCPS IB Exhibition Week

  During the week of May 27th, Town Centre Private Schools held a series of IB Exhibitions. Town Centre’s Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition was held on Wednesday, May 29th showcasing our IB DP Grade 11 TOK students! TOK Grade … Continued

Red Carpet Hollywood Prom

    As the end of another school year approached, senior students excitedly anticipated the prom.  In preparation for this special night, the prom committee was very busy making beautiful invitations, table place cards, creating decorations and assembling gift bags … Continued

McMaster University, “On-Campus Experience Day”

  As part of our continued partnership with McMaster University, our TCPS grade 9 and 10 students visited McMaster University in Hamilton on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, for an “on-campus experience day”. For many of the students this was there … Continued

A Great Evening of Entertainment!

  April 18th marked the annual TCPS Arts Night featuring Tiger Paw Theatre Productions’ performance of Clue. Congratulations to everyone involved in the spectacular Arts Night event. We are in awe at the level of collaboration, dedication, enthusiasm, comradery, and … Continued

Grade 11 and 12 STEM Workshop with MacMaster University

With the start of the 2023-2024 school year, the TCPS High School embarked on an exciting new educational partnership with McMaster University and their MacEng Outreach program. This program for TCPS high school students provides additional STEM opportunities focusing on … Continued

Black History Month at TCPS 

The 2024 theme for Black History Month is: “Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build”. Students had the opportunity to focus on and celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black individuals and Black communities across Canada. … Continued

Grade 7-12 TC’s “Got Talent” was a Huge Success

On February 14th, the High School Strive Club hosted our annual Grade 7-12 Talent Show. This year’s theme “TC Got Talent” was a huge success with the student audience. The crowd was treated to some incredible vocal performances, as well … Continued



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