High School News

HOSA Students Advance to International Leadership Conference

HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is a well-known organization that focuses on health-related topics and provides opportunities to High School students to compete in Canada’s largest health science competition. Topics include behavioural health, medical terminology, veterinary science, forensic science … Continued

An Enchanted Night at Prom

As the end of another school year approached, senior students excitedly anticipated the prom.  In preparation for this special night, the prom committee was very busy making the beautiful invitations, table place cards, creating decorations and assembling gift bags for … Continued

Winners of the TCPS Photography Contest

This year’s Town Centre Photo Contest was a huge success! Twenty-five students from different grades submitted photos based on three established themes – Beauty, Stress and Rebirth. A prize was awarded to the winner for each theme. We would like … Continued

Mental, Emotional and Physical Health Awareness

To promote Canada’s Mental Health Awareness Week from May 2nd to 8th, the STRIVE Club hosted events, workshops, games and presentations throughout the week bringing awareness to the importance of mental health.  Coordinated by STRIVE members the week’s events included … Continued

Another Outstanding Arts Event!

April 28th marked the TCPS annual Arts Event and a return to a live performance. The high school cast and crew outdid themselves again this year with the students taking on the writing, directing and filming of the entire production. … Continued

Oral Health Presentation by TCPS HOSA Club Members

HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), is a well-known organization that focuses on health-related topics and provides opportunities to High School students to compete in Canada’s largest health science competition. Topics include behavioural health, medical terminology, veterinary science, forensic science … Continued

TCPS Green Club’s Earth Day Workshop

First celebrated on April 22, 1970, Earth Day has become a worldwide event in support of protecting the environment.  This year, thousands of events were planned globally with more than 193 countries taking part. As part of the TCPS Earth … Continued

University of Waterloo’s Mathematics Contests

TCPS High School students participated in the annual University of Waterloo’s Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing in the fall.  Over 21,600 students from across Canada and Internationally participated this year.  These contests provide students with the opportunity to … Continued



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